
Quarter 3 Goal Review

Seriously?? Is it October already? Thankfully the weather has started to cooperate some and the mornings are getting cooler.

Time to look back through my goals and see where we are. I’ve been doing a whole lot of thinking lately and haven’t really reached any conclusions, but it was really nice to talk about it during the pace last weekend to confirm some of my feelings of late.

Gemmie Life Goals

FOCUS – With Gem it is going to be all about finding the right balance of being with her and not being away from the family too much.  Success!!!

1.) Bring her and Pete home.   Yup!

2.) Start riding consistently 2 days a week. I’ve been riding at least two days a week for the past couple of months and it is really working out great. 

3.) 1-2 long trail rides a month, preferably with friends.  Yes!! it is always more fun with friends.


4.) Make it to 1 lesson a month.  Yes again!!! 
Wow – that is 100% goal attainment for Gem 🙂
Gemmie Competition Goals

1.) Complete a 50 mile endurance ride towards our decade team award.

2.) Complete a Ride and Tie of any length.

3.) Make a decision on what to do about her 100 mile bronze medal.

4.) Make it to a dressage show and not make a complete fool out of ourselves.

None of the above competition goals matter any more. I’m not chasing endurance miles or doing R&T at this time and have no plans to return to those sports any time soon. Not because I don’t love them, but because they just don’t fit right now into my life and family. If they ever do again I’d be open to rejoin the competition fray, but for now my focus is completely elsewhere.


0% attaintment here, but that is planned and I don’t mind one bit.

Me: Life Goals

FOCUS – For me it is going to be all about striking a better balance in life. Currently, I feel guilty when I don’t ride and guilty when I do. I haven’t taken an actual vacation longer than a long weekend since 2007. This is mostly accomplished. I have no guilt whatsoever in my riding life as things have balanced out nicely. I did take an actual vacation as well as a work trip. Life is good.

1.) Stop feeling guilty about self care time.   No guilt remains for now. 

2.) Run 2 days a week minimum.  I sorta run. Some weeks I fit in multiple runs and others I don’t run at all. I stopped stressing about it. If it fits in and I feel up to it, I run. If not, I hang out with Wyatt or go ride or read a book. So much less self induced stress. 

3.) Ride 2 days a week.  Yes!

4.) Establish with a primary care doctor and get a physical.  Uh..yeah nope. Its still on my list of things to do though and the year isn’t over yet. 

5.) Figure out just what I want with my relationship with Gem. Is it okay to back off and just putz around? Do I need to have some set competition/training plans to feel satisfied?  I think I’ve figured this out. I’m not happy just putzing around. I need goals to work towards and I need to feel like I am learning something new and moving forward. I don’t care so much about a competition schedule or record, but I do need to feel like I am going some where. 

6.) Continue with my pen pals. Add two new ones from new countries. This has mostly dried up somehow. 

7.) Create a smashbook for Wyatt.  Not looking promising since I lost the book when we moved last January and have yet to find it. 

8.) Find a trainer that I can work well with in regards to approach, personality and scheduling.Trainer J and I have been working together twice a month sine February of last year. 

5/8, 62%. Not too bad.

Me: Competition Goals
1.) Complete a half marathon.  Nope and probably not gonna happen unless I just happen to lose my mind and sign up. 

2.) Complete a full marathon. Nope

3)  Host a Ride and Tie.  Nope and not even on my list of wants at this time. Too much time and money is required and I have neither at the moment. 
0/3 in this category.

As far as life balancing, happiness, and general care goals are concerned I am doing extremely well. I feel way less stressed these days even with an insanely busy work schedule and our always busy home life. There really isn’t a whole lot I wish to change right now.
When you look at competition goals, basically I suck but that is because my entire focus shifted from one discipline to another after I made my 2017 goals. Nothing like a major shift in direction to make you look like a failure. I’m not stressing about it though. The major thing I learned here is to make some over lying goals for the entire year in terms of self and horse care, but maybe focus on quarterly goals only next year when it comes to competition.
One quarter left to go in 2017 and then bring on 2018!!

First Quarter Goal Review

I’ve never been much into goal setting and following, preferring to give myself the flexibility to work within reality and jump on new opportunities as they come. I was in a major funk at the end of 2016 though, so I set myself up some goals. No point in having goals if you don’t ever check in on them, so here is a look on how I am doing after 1/4 of the year has gone by.

Gemmie Life Goals

FOCUS – With Gem it is going to be all about finding the right balance of being with her and not being away from the family too much. I’d say this has been a big success. I am seeing her every day, have spa days and while I am not riding her as much I am also having more fun. 

1.) Bring her and Pete home.  Move in date for us is 1/15 and we are hoping to bring them home the following weekend. Fencing needs installed and we need to build a shelter for them as there is no barn or tree cover. I have the DIY plans already selected and the materials bought, just need to find time. Success! They are happily at home and doing well. 

2.) Start riding consistently 2 days a week. There is a hay field I can ride in during non cutting times and I plan to use this regularly. Dusty has built me jumps in the past and will be working on some new ones once life settles back down again. Not so much. I’ve been getting in 1 day but not always on Gem. Daylight Savings Time  and spring weather should hopefully make this easier moving forward. 

3.) 1-2 long trail rides a month, preferably with friends. I’ve ridden solo enough to know we can do it and that it is no where near as fun as riding with someone else. It is hard to ride with others though when you need to be on the horse by 7 am to make it home in time for lunch with the kiddo, so we will see. Yup! So far I’ve gone at least once a month and always with someone. Its been a lot of fun. 


4.) Make it to 1 lesson a month. If I can find someone who can come to me and deal with not having a true arena then I’d like to do 2 a month, if I have to trailer out it will likely only be once a month. I’ve been lessoning every other week and it is a good schedule for me.
Gemmie Competition Goals

1.) Complete a 50 mile endurance ride towards our decade team award.  I’d really like this to be a multi day ride so that I get as much as I can into a single weekend away. Eh. endurance really isn’t on my radar at the moment. 

2.) Complete a Ride and Tie of any length. Again eh. I don’t really care so much about this. 

3.) Make a decision on what to do about her 100 mile bronze medal.  She only needs two more 100s and I know she has it in her. The question is do I? If not, could I let someone else ride her even though I’d still have been the one to put all the conditioning miles on, spent all the money for the ride (the entry is the cheapest part of it all: hay, alfalfa, elytes, extra grain, gas to get there, time off work…), and likely need to be present to crew? Seems silly to plop someone else in the saddle to ride it. But….I really hated riding in the dark and I don’t know if I want to do it again. Lots of soul searching to do. I’ve decided. I don’t care if she ever gets a bronze medal, completes another 100 or does nothing but eat grass in my front yard. As long as she is healthy and happy and I am having fun, its winning in my book. 

4.) Make it to a dressage show and not make a complete fool out of ourselves. Not this quarter, but still working towards it. 

Me: Life Goals

FOCUS – For me it is going to be all about striking a better balance in life. Currently, I feel guilty when I don’t ride and guilty when I do. I haven’t taken an actual vacation longer than a long weekend since 2007. I haven’t seen a doctor in 4 years. Having Gem at home has released any and all guilt I previously held. It has been liberating. We have a trip coming up in early April. Still not established with a doc, but I have plans to get that settled this summer. 

1.) Stop feeling guilty about self care time. Riding and running not only make me feel better equipped to deal with life’s stresses but it also will help me live a longer and better life. I need to stop beating myself up when I take time to do it. I have found ways to do this and am feeling better about myself and my life. Its been a great 1st quarter

2.) Run 2 days a week minimum. Treadmill or outside, both work as long as I am getting my butt moving. I quit running, but substituted working out at the Y. I go 2 times a week an vary the classes although Body Combat and Kettlebells are my favorite. I sprinkle in some yoga and dance based classes as well. 

3.) Ride 2 days a week. Once typically. 

4.) Establish with a primary care doctor and get a physical. Still hasn’t happened. Hoping to this summer. 

5.) Figure out just what I want with my relationship with Gem. Is it okay to back off and just putz around? Do I need to have some set competition/training plans to feel satisfied?  I’m still putzing with this one, but so far just having fun is enough. 

6.) Continue with my pen pals. Add two new ones from new countries. I added a new one, but she is from Colorado. 

7.) Create a smashbook for Wyatt. I have the smashbook, but it is still MIA from the move so nothing has been added to it. 

8.) Find a trainer that I can work well with in regards to approach, personality and scheduling. I love trainer J!

Me: Competition Goals
1.) Complete a half marathon. Not yet and unlikely since I hung up my running shoes

2.) Complete a full marathon. Nope

3)  Host a Ride and Tie. I have one in the works that I am really excited about. This is still up in the air.