
Reflecting on February

This month really flew by in a whirlwind. Work has been slamming, I’m getting ready for my boards submission and the weather has been worse than awful. I think I may need to take up boating if this weather pattern doesn’t slow down. Everything is a swamp. On the bright side, I am enjoying the extra hours of daylight during morning and evening chores and have been able to sneak in some rides before the sun sets.

Early mornings are made better with gorgeous sun rises

February started off on track and then saw the wheels come off a little, however great strides were still made during the month for my life in general which is why I love doing these reflection posts. You can read back through January here if interested.


Heading into February, I wanted to start stringing fences together into a small course and that came to light in a big way on the 2nd. Man, was that ride amazing.

Re using without shame. I love everything about this picture.

I snuck in a total of 6 rides, with 1 jump school and 5 flat rides. Pretty on par with January and while I originally began beating myself up about it, with the weather the way it has been 6 rides is actually quite good. Looking back through my notes about those rides, 5 out of the 6 have either FUN! or a smiley face written by them which is why I keep track of that sort of stuff. Too easy for me to focus on that 1 bad ride when I had 5 others that were great.

How he spent most of the month – coated in a thick layer of nasty, disgusting mud. He is always filthy.

What sticks out to me the most about my riding in February was that I got more serious about the time I did spend in the saddle, focused on my position and use of the aides a lot more, and in turn had a more responsive horse under me. Quality over quantity and all that.

Heading into next month I plan to attend a local H/J show on 3/23. My only goal is to get him into the atmosphere and help him settle and learn. If that means I don’t enter any classes and instead spend the time hand walking him around the grounds and chilling ring side, I’m fine with that. If he seems capable of entering the arena, then I will add classes as we go. No pressure. And as always, plugging away at figuring out a lesson situation.


After finding out that my butt has Alzheimer’s, running took a back seat. I still got in 5 runs with a total of 7.2 miles and I am thrilled to report that as of writing this my butt no longer bothers me for my typical 2 mile run/walk interval work outs. A big win for butts everywhere!

Foggy morning with the bradford pears in full bloom.

Heading into next month I’m looking to ramp my running back up while still doing all my PT exercises at home to avoid recurrence of gluteal amnesia.

Work/Life Balance

Yeah..big fail. No time off, no early days…thanks boards! It felt a little overwhelming at times mostly because the few hours I could sneak away were spent in the PT office getting dry needles poked into my butt cheek. Fun times, I assure you.

Retail therapy in the form of new gear is always beneficial.

A major win for me this month was scheduling the first physical I have had in 6 years and establishing myself with a primary doctor. I’m healthy, minus sinus bradycardia (a too slow heart beat) but that is hereditary from my dad and not treatable at this time, and good to go for another year. That is a big weight off my shoulders that I had been saying I would do for years.

Heading into next month, I’m not really going to see it change a whole lot. I was talked into signing up for medicine boards to become dual certified in surgery and medicine so the studying will commence in preparation for Part 1 testing in May and Part 2 in October. I will be scheduling one Friday afternoon free of any work related tasks for my own sanity though and am hoping that helps solve the lessoning issue.

Living Life

This category is where February really shines. Dusty and I have been talking about hosting a foreign exchange student for a couple of years now and I finally bit the bullet and filled out the application. If all goes well, we should be getting a girl from Sweden who is horse obsessed and has a background in jumpers come live with us for the 2019-2020 school year. Insane, yes. We are super excited and Wyatt is already counting down the days until he gets a sister, temporarily. This is actually a really big deal, because we are hoping to adopt again and are waiting until Wyatt is a tad older so this is going to act as a bit of a pacifier for me to cool my jets until the time is right to add to our family permanently.

Plus there is a completely selfish reason I chose her. She rides. She jumps. She is 17. She can ride H’Appy as much as she wants and show him if she’d like which will get him ridden a whole lot more than I am able to and I won’t have to pay someone or feel guilty about it. If this all pans out, it will be a giant stress relief on a lot of fronts.

Went bowling with Wyatt for his first time. He kicked my butt and I was trying my best. This was game 1 of 3 and I made a come back, but seriously how do you lose to a 6 year old who can barely even lift the ball?

We have been enjoying the increasing daylight in the evenings and using it to play soccer with Wyatt and umm..build a Burger King in the side yard. Don’t ask…it is as crazy as it sounds.

Oh! I also lost 5 pounds this month šŸ™‚

He insisted on bowling the correct way without using a bowling aide or the between the legs technique. He did allow me to use the bumpers for him though.

Heading into next month, I would like to book our trip to Seattle in June and continue to find ways to step away from all the chores for at least one day during the month. Oh and keep my eating habits the same – 5 more pounds to go.

Favorite Part of the Month

Hands down, that day jumping H’Appy at home over my mini course. I still smile about it thinking back now.

Love this picture too.

Overall Feeling

Meh. February is typically my worst mental health month of the year and the constant rain didn’t help things any. Overall though, I think I managed to stay the course, keep steady and survive with some bright spots that stand out. Not too shabby for a dreary, unforgiving month.

H’Appy wants to continue to be a pig, eat the spring grass that is growing like a weed and take more naps.

Next month, I am looking forward to continue the healthy eating habits that saw me lose 5 pounds even without exercising much, ramp up the running and riding more, and hopefully find a darn trainer to work with. Oh! And be nicer to myself.

29 thoughts on “Reflecting on February”

  1. ok i also have not had a physical in like… a long time. kinda glad i’m not the only one, but yea probably should just bite the bullet and get that checked off the list!

    also i hope you and H’Appy have a blast at the schooling show, your plan sounds excellent


    1. Oh an exchange student!!!! My parents did that when I was Wyattā€™s age and I vaguely remember it. I do remember one poor girl was with us when Hurricane Hugo hit Charlotte and we had to hide in the basement! It was definitely something sheā€™ll probably never forget!!!!


    2. Iā€™m almost 40. It was way past time especially since Iā€™m in healthcare. Seemed hypocritical.

      We are going to go and play it by ear. If I feel up to entering a class we will. If not who cares?


      1. Lol us healthcare people make worst patients. Glad you passed šŸ˜‰ The exchange student sounds awesome. Who doesn’t want a live in groom who can teach you about another country?


      2. Right?! Though I do intend to not use her as free labor šŸ™‚ My mind is already working in overdrive to think of all the cool experiences we can expose her to while here


    1. I want a foreign exchange student that is crazy about horses too. LOLLOL that sounds great. Glad Feb is done. I swear that truly is the cruelest month though March and its cold temps is not filling me with glee either šŸ™‚

      Congrats on the weight loss. Ugh on boards though šŸ™‚


  2. Oh I hope you get your exchange student!! That would be SUCH A COOL DEVELOPMENT!!! And exciting that you are hoping to adopt again šŸ™‚ I love everything about this.


    1. I hope it does. We have everything cleared on our end so now waiting on the school to sign off which wonā€™t happen until April 15th and then she will get to see our application and decide yay or nay


  3. Omg adopting! Eee!! And the Swedish student!! Double eee!

    Lots of positive here and looking toward the future. I’m so excited for you. šŸ¤—


  4. I’ve been trying to get back running again too, and while it’s been very hit or miss for me too, at least I’ve moved that much more? So excited to hear more about the exchange student, and to see that you had a lot of good things to reflect on this month! Also I know it isn’t up anymore, but I really liked ‘meeting’ you through the video! šŸ™‚


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